Highlights of the Google I/O 2021 Keynote
After being disappointed with the cancellation of the Google I/O keynote in 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this year, Google has come up with an all-virtual event, streamed live across the globe. Source: Google In this year’s keynote, there were talks about several much-awaited updates, technologies, and innovations that could make our lives easier at so many levels. Since we always have our phones, if nothing else, in our hands, Google has come up with ideas that a lot of things can be accessed through the phone without using the actual thing designated for the purpose. The first and major highlight of the event was the announcement of the Android 12 update. There are major visual changes and User-interface updates, which will make our phones ‘deeply personal’. Other updates are related to Privacy and new features for general ease of accessibility. Google claims that this new...