Trends for mobile world in 2018

1) Less bezel
In 2018, we are going to see more phones with 18:9 screen aspect ratio. They will not be completely bezel-less. All mobile companies will try to achieve 18:9 aspect ratio by shirking remaining bezel at the top and at the bottom. But I would love to see a phone manufacturer by coming up with more than 99% of the screen to body ratio.
2) Artificial Intelligence
Our phones are going to be smarter than ever before by machine learning. This year will we are going to see more improvements in machine learning. We all know how much possibilities can be achieve by machine learning. Google has already shown us that how much machine learning can do for us by taking Portrait Images with just a single camera. And we are going to see this type of improvement by AI in this year.
3) Foldable phones
I know I'm being greedy but that's hard to achieve this year but it's not impossible. Samsung is going to unveil its folding device and many companies are on the list. So this can be a trend for this year or it can set the platform for next year.


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